Intervention and Referral Services

What is I&RS? 

I&RS (Intervention and Referral Services) is a confidential student assistance program in which school staff or parents can request assistance for problems encountered in the general education program.  Every New Jersey school must have an I&RS team, which uses a collaborative approach to assist students who are having academic, behavior, or health difficulties.

Who qualifies for I&RS?

I&RS is designed to assist the teachers and parents of general education students who have having academic, behavior, or health difficulties.  Special Education students who are classified with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) receive assistance from the Child Study Team (CST)-this is different from the I&RS team and process.  

Who serves on the I&RS Team?

The following can be members of the team:  Staff members, teachers, school counselor, administrators, Child Study Team members, school nurse, and parents. 
Maude Wilkins Team for 2024-2025 school year:

  1. Steven Ormsby, Principal

  2. Jennifer Buckman, Vice-Principal 

  3. Kelly Stokes, School Counselor and I&RS/504 Team Coordinator

  4. Lindsay Schneider, School Counselor

  5. Amanda Finley, General Education Teacher 

  6. Bobbilynn Loomis, Special Education Teacher 

  7. Taylor Kuehn, General Education Teacher 

  8. Lisa Muniz, LDT-C, Child Study Team Member 

  9. Elizabeth Gray, School Psychologist-Child Study Team Member 

  10. Michelle Sylvester, LDT-C, Child Study Team Member 

How do you request assistance?

Staff members can make a request by completing the google form in the staff information folder.  A parent can request assistance by calling their child's teacher, school counselor, and/or I&RS Team Coordinator.

Anticipated Meeting Dates For The 2024-2025 School Year (dates subject to change)

September 19th
October 17th
November 14th
December 19th
January 16th
February 20th
March 20th
April 10th  (last date for any initial referrals)
May 8th (504 re-evaluation)
May 15th (504 re-evaluation)
June 12th (Team Meeting Only)

Maple Shade School District Mission Statement

The Maple Shade Public Schools believe all students are capable of academic success while acknowledging that interventions and assistance are occasionally necessary to facilitate that success.  To that end, the Maple Shade School District upholds each building I&RS team's commitment to supporting educators, parents, and students with learning strategies, behavioral modifications, and other assistance needed to succeed in Maple Shade Schools and in life.