Lunch Bunch
Lunch bunch is something we aim to do with every student in the building at least once during the school year. 4-5 students at one time are invited during their lunch period to eat lunch in the counselor's office. Students will receive a "lunch bunch pass" in the morning on the day they are invited, which is really exciting!
Lunch Bunch is a great way for school counselors to get to know the students better and for each student to get to know us! We talk, play games, eat, and just have a good time. Lunch Bunch is focused on similar issues discussed in the organized groups including resolving conflicts, making/keeping friends, self-esteem, and coping skills.
Lunch bunch is also a great way to follow-up with students that have been in the organized groups. Some students that need just a little extra support may meet in lunch bunch monthly or every other week, depending on their needs.