NJSLA: New Jersey Student Learning Assessment

NJSLA:  New Jersey Student Learning Assessment 

2024-2025 NJSLA Testing Dates for MW:   May 2025

  1. Attendance  makes a difference.  Make sure your child is in school every day and do not allow your child to be late.  It's a good idea to have your child get ready the night before (pack a lunch, set out clothes) so he can get to school on time.  Try to schedule medical appointments after school and family trips or activities during school vacations.

  2.  Be Prepared On Test Days  Getting up early on test day helps prevent the morning rush and allows time for a complete unhurried breakfast.  Avoid topics or arguments that may be upsetting.  By starting the day on a pleasant note, you are more likely to send your child off to school with good feelings.

  3. Breakfast. Get your child in the habit of taking time for a nutritious breakfast every day.  They need body and brain energy!

  4. Sleep. Get your child into a regular sleep routine and stick to it.  Most children need 8-10 hours of sleep each night.

  5. Exercise.  Encourage your child to exercise every day which increases oxygen to the brain and helps with thinking and memory.

  6. Overcome Test Anxiety. Test anxiety is when someone is so worried about taking a test that they can't show what they know.  It is more than saying, "Just relax!"  Help your child with these suggestions.

  • Don't cram.  Studies show that last-minute cramming does not work.  

  • Students just need to show what they already know!

  • Read directions carefully.

  • Look the test over quickly.  Before answering any questions, skim quickly

    through the test.  Figure out how much time to spend on each section.

  • Don't be afraid to skip a question. Don't waste time worrying about a

    question you can't answer.  Instead, go on to questions you know. If there's

    time, go back to the items you skipped.  It's always good to take a "best 


  • Remember past tests where you did well.  You can do well again.

  • The best way to avoid "test anxiety" is to space studying over several days or

    weeks.  Begin by marking major test dates on the family calendar.

  • Help your child schedule regular times to review.  She can talk about the

    subject, read about it, or "teach" the material to someone in the family.

  • Encourage your child to pay attention to the teacher's review.

 *We strongly encourage all students to attend on regular testing days*